nasscom GCC

GCC Maturity Model - Key Parameters and Levers for Transformation | A Webinar | nasscom GCC 2023

Talent Management for GCCs in a Hyperconnected World | In Conversation | nasscom GCC 2023

nasscom GCC 2023 | Vlog | IBM

The GCC Evolution: How India is changing the landscape

#GCCs: Being Ready to Influence the Right Side of the Balance Sheet | nasscom GCC 2023

nasscom GCC 2023 | Vlog | Publicis Sapient

Why India is the GCC Capital of the World | Karthik Padmanabhan #LIVE on CNBC TV18

nasscom GCC 2023 | Vlog | Accenture

Nasscom GCC 2023 | In Conversation | Cloud – how to optimize and what to optimize?

How can GCCs Reinvent Today to Rebuild for Brighter Future Spots? | Nasscom GCC 2023

Breaking Barriers: GCC Leadership Reimagined | In Conversation | nasscom GCC

Nasscom GCC 2023 | Vlog | Deloitte India

nasscom GCC 2023 | Vlog | Everest Group

Manifesting maturity curve for GCCs: Ideate – Own – Deliver | In Conversation | nasscom GCC 2023

Revolutionizing Shared Services: Platforms are the New Way Forward! | nasscom GCC 2023

#GenerativeAI and the Future of Work | nasscom GCC 2023

From India for the World: Preparing GCCs for Global Leadership | nasscom GCC 2023

Are GCCs driving impactful innovations for global enterprises? | In Conversation | nasscom GCC 2023

What GenZ wants from their leaders in corporates? | nasscom GCC conclave

Globalizing GCC Careers: Opportunity or pipe dream? | In Conversation | nasscom GCC 2023

NASSCOM On Gen AI Deals & War, Is GCC A Threat To Traditional I.T Companies? | ET Now

One Organization, One Team Model | In Conversation | nasscom GCC 2023

Measuring and Optimizing GCC Employer Value Proposition | In Conversation | nasscom GCC 2023

Launch of nasscom - Zinnov 'India GCC Landscape Report – The 5 Year Journey'